On the 24th and 25th of September 2019 the NATO SFA COE will hold a Workshop entirely dedicated to Lessons Learned.

The aim of this Workshop is to gather key stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts in the field of Lessons Le­arned, in order to establish a large community of interest.

The participants will be from NATO, NATO partners and International Organizations. They will identify the needs and the gaps of the Alliance and its partners, and analyse the implementation of the Security Force Assistance activity in operations.

The Area of Operations’ analysis will be conducted through the presentation of two case studies by Commanding Officers recently returned from deployment, and in particular, they will discuss the pre–deployment training activities in order to standardize programmes and procedures while at the same time creating a training model.

The SFA Operator profile project, run by the Lessons Learned Department in collaboration with the Office of Military Psychology of the Italian Army General Staff, will be presented during the Workshop.


For more information about the Workshop, please contact the Lessons Learned Branch:

Lessons Learned Section Chief:


  • mail address: llchief@nsfacoe.org
  • mil. line: 2063590
  • civ. line: 0039 0669391419
  • mobile phone: 0039 3286553916

Cultural awarness and gap analysis staff assistant:


  • mail address: cwgapstaff@nsfacoe.org
  • mil. line: 2063590
  • civ. line: 0039 0669391406
  • mobile phone: 0039 3200438237