On the 7th of September, the NATO SFA COE welcomed a French delegation led by the Director of the “Centre terre pour le partenariat militaire opérationnel” (CPMO).

The CPMO, located in Paris, is a centre that examines the coherence and the training of the French Army on all the military operational partnership (PMO) missions.

The aim of the visit was to strengthen the relations between the two entities that are part of the same Community of Interest of SFA and are engaged in the contribution to Defence Capacity Building both in NATO and in the EU Military Partnership programmes of which France is the leading nation, together with other participating members, including Italy.

During the visit, the Director of the NATO SFA COE, Col Massimo DI PIETRO, presented the results of the most recent main projects and the COE’s continued outreach, expansion, recruitment and collaboration with both military and civilian academia and International Organizations throughout Europe and North America.

He emphasized the pivotal role of SFA in the full spectrum of the operations and its essential role in sustaining the NATO’s Cross Cutting Topics and, more broadly, the Human Security which involves a people-centred notion of security.

Moreover, the French delegation had the opportunity to be briefed on the current and future activities, meeting the project managers who described their specific projects in detail, including the NATO SFA COE’s training offer, editorial projects, SFA seminars and the support to NATO operations.

This visit confirmed the growing inclusion of the NATO SFA COE in the international context and its determination to create a deep and consistent network for all the COE’s activities, promoting both the priorities assigned by ACT, in terms of research projects, and relations and opportunities for collaboration with EU and UN agencies in charge of crisis management, Security Sector Reform, Stabilization and Reconstruction.