From the 7th to the 10th of May 2024, the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NATO SFA COE) hosted the annual edition of the SFA Advisor Enhancement Seminar.

The aim of the seminar is to enhance interpersonal knowledge, skills, and techniques required to engage counterparts, build rapport, and gain mutual trust to effectively conduct advising activities across various operating environments and cultural contexts.

The event was based on the outcomes of the COE’s SFA Operator Profile Analysis Report and the “Remote SFA” research project.

After the Director’s welcome address, the seminar began promptly with a team-building activity designed to improve communication and cooperation among the attendees.

The seminar was enriched by the presence of Brigadier General Lambert, Deputy Commanding General of the US Army V Corps who held a lecture, instructing advisors on necessary skills and traits needed to be efficient operators in the field.

Additionally, Rear Admiral (Iraqi Navy) Al Sharooḥ attended as a guest speaker, discussing the Iraqi environment and the cultural context of the Iraqi Security Force.

After the lectures, both speakers had the opportunity to visit the COE and were briefed on its main projects and activities.

Another important aspect of the seminar was focused on building effective working relationships. It emphasized the significance of trust-building and influence and explored the importance of the impact of words and language.

The event concluded with a fruitful discussion regarding various notions and different perspectives raised during the lessons, examining from multiple points of view the roles, knowledge and skills that Advisors must acquire to operate effectively in ever-changing international scenarios