On the 23rd of November, the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NATO SFA COE) held the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of 2023.

After the welcome from the Chairman, Col. Massimiliano Abbate, and the official approval of the agenda, the Centre’s new Director, Col. Matteo Luciani, thanked all the participants and emphasized the honour to receive the task of directing the NATO SFA COE since the 13th of October.

Moreover, he stressed that, while the world is changing rapidly, the Centre will continue to be fully committed to support the Alliance in its transformation. It will, furthermore, continuously enhance awareness of the invaluable contribution of SFA, especially in response to current international security dynamics.

Afterwards, the staff of the COE presented the main projects of 2023, including the related financial planning, and provided an update on the Centre. This followed the last Steering Committee in May, coherent with the NATO SFA COE’s mission, vision, and its lines of effort.

Particular emphasis was placed on the important list of international agreements stipulated in the current year, the most recent being the letter of cooperation with the York University’s Glendon School of Public and International Affairs in Toronto in October.

Among the important novelties, following the consolidated relationship with the US Joint Center for International Security Force Assistance (JCISFA), was the introduction of a new member of the COE, a US Army Liaison Officer to support the NATO SFA COE activities and projects for one year.

The second Steering Committee Meeting 2023 was concluded with the traditional signature of the “Decision Paper”, in which the attending representatives, on behalf of the SFA COE’s Sponsoring Nations, agreed on the principal lines of action, current and future objectives, and subsequently renewed their commitment to extend and enhance the Centre’s relevant areas of interest for the Alliance’s benefit.